
usage: manrododex [-h] [-F [FILE]] [--version] [--log-level LOGLVL]
                  [--lang-codes] [--dry-run] [-p PATH] [-t THREADS] [-l LANG]
                  [-ds] [-svc SEL_VOL_CHAP] [--alt-title-lang ALT_TITLE_LANG]
                  [--use-alt-title] [--name NAME] [--force-ssl] [--zip-format]

Positional Arguments


URL_UUID, i.e. link or uuid of the manga to be downloaded.

Named Arguments

-F, --File

FILE, i.e. folder containing the links or uuids of the mangas to be downloaded.

General options


Shows manrododex’s version and exit.


Set the log level. Default log file location /tmp/manrododex.log possible values : ‘DEBUG’ ‘INFO’ ‘WARNING’ ‘ERROR’ ‘CRITICAL’

Default: INFO


Prints the available language codes and exit.

Default: False


Run the program without creating/saving anything.

Default: False

Downloading options

-p, --path

Destination folder: where the manga will be saved. The path will be ‘./PATH/manga_name/’

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”

-t, --threads

Sets the number of threads to be used. Aka the number of images to be downloaded in parallel. Please don’t use a lot of threads as it might get you banned.

Default: 1

-l, --language

Set the language in which the chapters should be downloaded with.

Default: en

-ds, --data-saver

Switch the quality mode from ‘data’ to ‘data-saver’. ‘data-saver’ will download a compressed image instead of upload quality.

Default: “data”

-svc, --sel-vol-chap

Select chapters to be downloaded can be singles separated by ‘,’ use ‘v{num}v’ to mark the number as volume.

‘/’ to make a range. ‘,’ to start a new rule.

e.g: v7v99 would be volume 7 chapter 99.

v1/3v1 would be chapter 1 from vol 1, 2 and 3. 1,4,6 would download chapter 1, 4 and 6 regardless for the volume. v6v would download volume 6 entirely.


Specify the language in we should get the alternative title. Available alternative titles can be seen to the left of the chapters of the manga on the site.


Whether or not to use the alternative title of the manga. Aka the one that appears to the side of the chapters on the site. Note: this argument can be used with –alt-title-lang to change the language of the alt title. If this argument is not used the program will get the default title even ifthe –alttitle-lang is used.

Default: False


Set a custom name for the manga. Note: this argument precedes the both of the –alttitle-lang and –deftitle in importance


Force selecting from MangaDex@Home servers that use the standard HTTPS port 443. from

Default: False


The use of this argument will switch it to zip. By default the cbz archive format will be used.

Default: “cbz”