Frequently Asked Questions

Well I’m lying, no one asked any of these question and I don’t even known if there’s a single person that is going to read this documentation or use my program but i think writing documentation is good practice. (Hire me senpai >_<)

Why the name Manrododex ?

Well it’s a combination of three different words : Man/rodo/dex

  1. Man: for Manga.

  2. rodo: for the load part of download in japanese ダウンロード which is ロード in katakana or rōdo in romaji.

  3. dex: for the dex in MangaDex

Joining all these information we get : Manga daunrodo dex, which makes no sense.

What is a UUID ?

From wikipedia UUID: Universally unique identifier, A universally unique identifier is a 128-bit label used for information in computer systems. The term globally unique identifier is also used. When generated according to the standard methods, UUIDs are, for practical purposes, unique.

Putting it simply it’s a text made of letters and numbers separated by - and is unique.
An example would be : 17876b69-42a2-4228-aeda-f8e14f4f94f4

How does this relate to MangaDex ?

Well MangaDex uses UUIDs as a way to uniquely identify mangas, and is used by the program to download the manga that you want.

What are you talking about ? I never saw that thing on MangaDex ?

Maybe you don’t pay enough attention to links in your browser.
It’s right there:

What’s the default title ?

It’s the title writen in white, big enough for you not to miss it.

What’s the alt title ?

alt title or Alternative Title is the non default title usually in a different language than the default one.
MangaDex write the english alt title for the manga under the default one like this:
Other Alternative Titles are writen to the left of the chapters like this: